EPA News You Can Use – July 2020
EPA Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Enviro-Tip of the Month
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What You Can Do, What You Can Use
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EPA’s Coronavirus website provides key EPA resources and links to additional information about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Read the most up-to-date information about EPA actions, disinfectants, drinking water and waste water, and other resources.
VOLUNTEERS needed for EPA COVID-19 study. Volunteers are needed for a research study to measure COVID-19 antibodies in human saliva samples. Volunteers will be asked to collect a saliva sample and mail it to EPA. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and will be paid $25. Read more about this study and the complete qualifications to participate:
EPA Emphasizes the Need to Continue Cleaning and Disinfection Practices. This guidance from CDC and EPA focuses on cleaning and disinfecting public spaces, workplaces, businesses, schools, or can also be applied to your home.
- Read the Guidance: https://www.epa.gov/coronavirus/guidance-cleaning-and-disinfecting-public-spaces-workplaces-businesses-schools-and-homes
- List of Disinfectants for use Against Coronavirus (COVID-19):
- Proper use of disinfectants – infographic with six steps for safe use.
EPA’s List-N Tool makes it easier to find disinfectants to use against coronavirus. This online tool lets you search how you want to use the disinfectant (e.g., home, business, etc.), the surface type to disinfect, EPA registration number, and other important factors.
EPA Orders Amazon and eBay to Stop Sale of Certain Pesticide Products. The products subject to EPA’s orders include several products marketed with false or misleading claims of efficacy against coronavirus (COVID-19). Learn more about the products and EPA’s order to stop sales:
Resources related to COVID-19 in other languages:
- Español: https://espanol.epa.gov/espanol/enfermedad-del-coronavirus-2019-covid-19
- Other languages: https://www.epa.gov/lep
Don’t sunburn. The UV Index predicts the strength of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Learn how to check the UV Index so you know how strong the sun’s rays will be and avoid sun overexposure. July is UV Safety month.
- Check your UV Index: https://www.epa.gov/sunsafety/uv-index-1
- Action Steps for Sun Safety: https://www.epa.gov/sunsafety/action-steps-sun-safety
- Get the mobile app: https://www.epa.gov/enviro/uv-index-mobile-app
National Pollinator Week. EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed a proclamation designating the week of June 22 as National Pollinator Week. Administrator Wheeler is the first EPA Administrator to sign such a proclamation – joining leadership from the U.S. Department of the Interior, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, all 50 governors, and hundreds of governments and organizations around the world. “Pollinators like bees and hummingbirds sustain nearly 80 percent of the food in our diets,” said Wheeler. Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants and about 35 percent of the world’s food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce. Yet, pollinator populations are on the decline due to many stressors, including pests, poor nutrition due to loss of habitat, unnecessary pesticide exposure, and disease and viruses.
Video: Protecting Pollinators While at Home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKp0CU_ACOY
FY2019 Superfund Accomplishments Report. EPA’s releases the annual Superfund Accomplishments Report which documents national achievements in the Superfund program during FY 2019. The Superfund program addresses the nation’s most contaminated sites and is a key priority for the Trump Administration. The report also documents improvements to the program as a result of the Superfund Task Force work under EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “As we celebrate 50 years of EPA’s commitment to protecting human health and the environment, we can take pride in the last 40 years that the Superfund program has contributed to that success,” said EPA Administrator, Andrew Wheeler. “The Trump Administration is proud to showcase all we have achieved to clean up contaminated sites such as the Strasburg Landfill, protect our communities, and turn these spaces into economic and recreational assets for generations to come.”
Success Stories in the Indian Environment General Assistance Program. EPA announced the official launch of the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP) Success Story National Pilot, highlighting the agency’s efforts to partner with tribes to protect the environment and human health in Indian country. “EPA’s new story map celebrates the importance of GAP and shows the great work tribes are accomplishing in partnership with EPA – building their capacity for meaningful participation in, or administration of, EPA programs,” said Chad McIntosh EPA Assistant Administrator for EPA’s International and Tribal Affairs.
- Check out the GAP story map: https://epa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=7e7e4789fb8f41c6b5bd15dd3034a896
Federal Green Challenge Winners: Conserving Resources and Promoting Efficiency. EPA recognized federal facilities for applying practical cost-effective measures to conserve money and resources as part of the Federal Green Challenge (FGC). In 2019, FGC participants reduced their environmental impact through recycling, reduced waste to landfills, added thousands of energy-saving vehicles to fleets, and more. “It is vital for federal agencies to lead by example in reducing environmental impacts,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “The efforts of these agencies not only benefit the environment but resulted in an estimated cost savings of $36.1 million to taxpayers across the federal government last year.”
More EPA news releases: https://www.epa.gov/newsroom
EPA at 50:
- Celebrating Partnerships. This month EPA celebrates our effective partnerships, with a focus on environmental and public health protection in Indian country, and our work with countries around the world to champion clean air and water, and reduce marine litter.
https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-50-celebrating-partnerships-0 - Partnerships in Science. EPA has a long history of partnering with countries around the world also to share scientific expertise and resources. Over the years, EPA has sent more than 100 EPA staff to U.S. embassies and consulates around the world through the Department of State’s Embassy Science Fellows program. Read a few of their stories:
https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters/partnering-share-epa-expertise-around-world-through-embassy-science-fellows-program - Also – EPA Celebrates 50 Years of Protecting Our Nation’s Air. Criteria air pollutant emissions – and their precursors – dropped 7 percent under President Trump. Read more:
EPA turns 50 this year! Read more about EPA at 50: https://www.epa.gov/50
Hot tips for a cool summer:
- Check the air quality before you go. out – Whether it’s to exercise, play, or just to do yard work, poor air quality can aggravate asthma or other lung conditions in sensitive individuals.
http://airnow.gov - Increase energy savings. Change your air filters. Tune up your HVAC. Find out more what you can do to help reduce emissions and stay cool during summer.
http://energystar.gov/heatcool - Avoid extreme heat. When a heat wave is predicted, prepare for reduced air quality and increased energy use.
Fish Advisories. Going fishin’? Fish are an important part of a healthy diet: a lean, low-calorie source of protein and other important nutrients. However, some fish may contain chemicals that could pose health risks if these fish are eaten in large amounts. Learn more about how you can select and prepare fish, so you and your family can continue to enjoy the benefits of eating fish.
EPA online tools:
- Dynamic New Water Data Transparency Tool. “How’s My Waterway” provides information on the quality of our nation’s waters at the community, state, and national level. https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-announces-dynamic-new-water-data-transparency-tool
Try the tool: https://mywaterway.epa.gov - Mapping Tool for Managing Debris Expands Nationwide. The “Disaster Debris Recovery Tool” can assist emergency planners identify facilities to recycle, compost, or dispose of disaster debris. Managing disaster debris is critical for communities due to the uncommonly large volumes or many types of debris after a hurricane, flood, or other disaster.
EPA announces winners…
- The 7th Annual Campus RainWorks Challenge
https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-announces-winners-7th-annual-campus-rainworks-challenge - The 2020 Green Chemistry Challenge Awards
Congratulations to Dr. Ana Rappold, EPA scientist! We’re especially pleased to note EPA’s own Dr. Ana Rappold is among the recipients of the 71st Arthur S. Flemming Award. Dr. Rappold fundamentally advanced environmental epidemiology, citizen science, and health risk communication by linking wildfire smoke with adverse health outcomes and her work on the Smoke Sense Project. Her work has enabled thousands of individuals and communities across the US to use EPA research to help guide them as they make choices that may impact their health.
- Read about Dr. Rappold:
https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters/meet-epa-scientist-ana-rappold-phd - Learn about the Smoke Sense app:
More EPA news releases: https://www.epa.gov/newsroom
Enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Esta es una situación emergente que evoluciona rápidamente y los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades entregarán información actualizada a medida que esté disponible, además de orientación actualizada. Este sitio web proporciona recursos clave de la EPA acerca de la enfermedad del coronavirus (COVID-19).
Se necesitan VOLUNTARIOS para un estudio de la EPA sobre COVID-19. Se necesitan voluntarios para un estudio de investigación para medir los anticuerpos del COVID-19 en muestras de la saliva humana. Se les pedirá a los voluntarios que recojan una muestra de saliva y la envíen a la EPA. Los voluntarios deben tener al menos 18 años de edad y serán pagados $25. Lea más acerca de este estudio y las cualificaciones completas para participar (en inglés): https://epastudies.org/public/epastudies/SelectedStudies.aspx#COVID
Lista de desinfectantes para usar contra el coronavirus (COVID-19):
- ¿Tiene preguntas sobre cuáles desinfectantes utilizar para combatir el COVID-19? Visite nuestra página sobre preguntas frecuentes sobre los desinfectantes de la Lista N registrados por la EPA:
- La EPA y los CDC publican guía para limpiar y desinfectar espacios donde viven, trabajan y juegan los estadounidenses. La guía ayuda a las instalaciones y familias a implementar las pautas para la Reapertura de Estados Unidos.
Obtenga la aplicación móvil del Índice UV, ahora disponible en español. Tome medidas para mantenerse seguro bajo el sol y limite su exposición a los rayos dañinos del sol. La nueva aplicación móvil del Índice UV en español le facilita verificar cuándo debe practicar medidas de seguridad bajo el sol. El índice de rayos ultravioletas (UV) predice los niveles de radiación ultravioleta en una escala del 1 al 11+. El índice UV proporciona un pronóstico diario de la intensidad esperada de la radiación UV del sol.
- Obtenga la aplicación: https://espanol.epa.gov/espanol/aplicacion-movil-indice-uv
- Aprenda más sobre la seguridad bajo el sol: https://espanol.epa.gov/espanol/pasos-tomar-para-protegerse-del-sol
Las islas de calor. ¿Trabaja en la planificación urbana? ¿Sabía que algunas comunidades en áreas urbanas son más vulnerables a las repercusiones nocivas para la salud del calor extremo y las islas de calor? Ademas, ciertas comunidades, como las hispanohablantes, podrían no tener suficiente información disponible en español para prepararse o responder al calor. Tenemos nuevas páginas web con información en español sobre las islas de calor y estrategias para que las comunidades puedan mantenerse frescas.
Aprenda más en español: https://espanol.epa.gov
- Cuando se da la sequía (o no), el verano es la temporada para ahorrar.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae6yEFpTcME - ¡Bañate mejor haciendo cambios con WaterSense!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCnPZmCOPnU - Repare una fuga con WaterSense
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ9BB36O2_k - Consejos de baño WaterSense #2: Reemplaza el aireador de la llave de agua
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WTmrtY4gxA - Consejos de baño WaterSense #3: Reemplaza la “rana” o la aleta del inodoro que está gotereando
Ver más del EPA: https://www.youtube.com/user/USEPAgov/videos
Protecting Pollinators While at Home – discusses the important role pollinators play in our environment and what you can do.
Air Sensors:
- Measurements and Your Health – about the Air Quality Index (AQI) and how EPA uses it to examine health literature and set protective standards
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pztai6z6fO0 - Regulatory Data and Sensor Data Quality – how regulatory monitors and air sensors collect data of differing quality and scales.
Make the Switch to Shower Savings with WaterSense and Shower Better! – switching to a WaterSense labeled showerhead not only saves water but also saves energy and money on your utility bills
En español:
- Cuando se da la sequía (o no), el verano es la temporada para ahorrar.
Ver más videos sobre Watersense: https://www.youtube.com/user/USEPAgov/videos
More EPA videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/USEPAgov/videos
Celebrating Our Agriculture Communities, Partnerships.
by Carrie Vicenta Meadows, Agriculture Advisor to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler
TSCA is ‘4’ the Future.
by Alexandra Dapolito Dunn, Assistant Administrator, Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
Tribal and EPA accomplishments over the Last 50 years
by Scott Mason, Director, American Indian Environmental Office
Appreciating the Chesapeake Bay
by Dana Aunkst, Director, Chesapeake Bay Program Office
Other EPA blog posts: https://www.epa.gov/blog
EPA turns 50 in 2020! Join us as we celebrate 50 years of environmental protection.
UV Safety Month
National Water Gardening Month
Americans want to help protect and improve the nation’s land, water, and air. “GoGreen” is a monthly newsletter from the US Environmental Protection Agency summarizing our recent news and information you can use to make a difference in your home, community, or workplace.
Want more news? Read EPA news releases on topics that interest you.
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Read about EPA science: https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460 United States